On January 19, Salman Khan announced Karan Veer Mehra as the winner of Bigg Boss 18. The actor had faced fierce competition from Vivian Dsena and Rajat Dalal. After Karan was announced as winner, fans of other contestants voiced their concerns and questioned the voting process. Amid all this, Karan Veer Mehra’s close friend Shilpa Shinde has called out Bigg Boss 18 makers for being biased.
Shilpa Shinde on Karan Veer Mehra winning Bigg Boss 18
Reacting to the win, the Bigg Boss 11 winner says, “I don’t know, kuch logo ko pata chal gaya ki makers khud hi decide karte hain winner. Khud hi banate hain, apne ghar se uthakar late hain aur khud hi dikhate hain. Toh channel ki jo bhi strategy hai, I think logon ko pata chal gayi hai. Aap ek limit tak logon ko ullu banaa sakte ho, uske baad nahin (Some people have now understood that the makers decide who will win by themselves. They make them the winner, first they are called from their homes and then presented on the show. There is a limit to fool the audience, but not after that).”
For those unversed, apart from Karan, six contestants had reached the finale. It included Karan Veer Mehra, Eisha Singh, Chum Darang, Avinash Mishra, Rajat Dalal, and Vivian Dsena. In 2017, Shilpa Shinde had herself won Bigg Boss 11. Talking about Shilpa and Karan, they were together in Khatron Ke Khiladi season 14. Shilpa had also won Bigg Boss season 11 defeating Hina Khan. In this season, when supporters came inside house to support top 6, Shilpa came for Karan Veer.
Talking about Karan Veer Mehra, he is currently enjoying his time after the win with close friends including Chum Darang.